Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday, April 12

On Monday, we celebrated Adelynn's birthday!  In the morning, we worked on making our April calendars with a bunny hand print.  We practiced simple addition in math, and wrote about healthy foods that we enjoy eating.  Mrs. Fjelstad and Mrs. Miller showed a movie in the morning about keeping ourselves safe.  We learned that if we don't feel safe, we should SAY NO, GET AWAY, and TELL SOMEONE.  Next week, we will be acting out different scenarios in Life Skills and Guidance to practice these.

Today, we began learning about our 5 senses.  We focused on our sense of sight this morning.  We read books about eyes and learned some of the parts of our eyes, such as the pupil, iris, and lens.  With a partner, we closed our eyes in order to experience what it might be like to be blind.  Our partner led us around the room and helped to keep us safe.  We wrote about our experience.  I also set out a tray of 15 items from the classroom, then covered it up and had everyone try to write or draw all the things that they remembered.  The highest number of items remembered was 9!  We also began two 5 senses books that will come home next week.

Later this week we will learn about sight, smell, and taste. 

Don't forget to read and return your book bag books!

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