Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 29

Yesterday we planted cherry tomato seeds!  We are still waiting to see them sprout.  The package said it would take about a week and a half.  We also made a little book for our book bin drawer.  It is the story of 5 little seeds.  We thought it reminded us of Eric Carle's book, The Tiny Seed.  We also went to three centers.  They included a recycling sort, a recycling graph, and a little book about taking care of the earth.

Today we water colored earths and wrote about things we can do to respect the earth.  We came up with lots of ideas like planting a garden or tree, recycling, riding our bikes instead of driving, turning off the lights and water when we aren't using it, picking up trash that we see outside, and donating clothes that are too small to Goodwill instead of throwing them away!  Our class had LOTS of great ideas!  In the afternoon, we went to art and then continued to work on the books that we are writing in writer's workshop. 

I will not be at school tomorrow, but our class will be working on a book about weather and then writing a mini book about how to grow a plant.  We have library and computers tomorrow.  DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR LIBRARY BOOK!

Next week we will be learning about insects!

***Bring recyclables tomorrow for our recycling sort!!!!  Make sure the items are fairly clean.  Try to include things made of paper or cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal.

***The book fair starts next week and is set up outside the office.  We will be visiting the book fair on Monday morning, so if you would like to send money for your child to purchase a book, you may.  Students will be making a "wish list" of books they like, so you are also welcome to stop by after school with your child and take a look at the books another time next week.

***Next week Wednesday is an early release day.

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