Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reading Promotion Info

Dear Families,

Our school-wide reading promotion, “Read S’more Books!” will take place from now until May 6th.  As a class, we have set a goal of reading 1190 books, which is 70 books per student (fill 1 reading log).  We will keep track of the books we read in our classroom on a chart.  If we reach our goal, we will set up a camping area in our dramatic play center. 

Please make a point of reading with your child each night. Use the attached reading log to record the books you read at home, and send it back to school daily. If you fill up this log, you can attach another sheet, or I will gladly send another one home. If you are reading chapter books with your child, each chapter counts as one book.
Thanks for your participation, and happy reading!   
                                                                                                                                           Mrs.  Skeels

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