Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 15

Yesterday we learned all about smell!  We had a smell guess where we smelled different things and had to guess what they were.  Some were good smells like soap and perfume.  Some were not so good like garlic and onions.  We went outside on a nature walk and recorded the things we could see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.  We continued to work in our 5 senses books, which will come home next week.  We also continued to practice addition in math.  You can help your child practice simple addition facts at home, too!

Today we learned about taste.  We looked at each other's taste buds and learned about the different areas of the tongue that we taste bitter, salty, sweet, and sour things.  We also had a taste-testing.  Some people liked the lemons, candy, and pretzels.  Not many liked the unsweetened chocolate!  We were also able to go to the EPAC to see the 4th and 5th graders perform "Dig It!"  It was so much fun - they really did an amazing job!  If you would like to see it, you can come to the EPAC tonight (Friday) at 7 p.m. 

Next week we will be talking about touch and waste management.  There is no school next Friday!

Have a great weekend!

Below are some pictures from this week.

Isabel and Jenna are making art during choice time.

Ms. Ashley and Kamrin are using the geoboards.

Classmates build a tall tower.

Brody, Jackson, and Mason play with our new marble maze!

Sydney draws on the marker board.

Kylie and McKenna draw on mini marker boards.

5 Senses Activities

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