Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21

This week, we finished up our unit on the 5 senses and talked about eggs, bunnies, and spring. 

On Monday, we talked about our sense of touch.  We finished both of our 5 senses books and tried to guess what was inside a paper bag by feeling it.  Our special was music.

On Tuesday we went to new centers.  They included making classmates' names, addition, a bunny game, and measuring.  We also made a book bin book about different animals that come from eggs.  We painted fun eggs and made them into bunnies.  We will be bringing these home this weekend. 

On Wednesday morning, we went to the EPAC to watch the group, Ac Rock (pronounced ock rock, it stands for a capella rock and roll.)  They were awesome!  You can see pictures from their performance on their website,  (I checked today, though, and they weren't up yet).  After the performance, we finished our last two stations.  We also made bunnies from spoons and put them in baskets.  This was another fun project that everyone enjoyed.  Our specials in the afternoon were life skills and phy. ed.

Today, we did more fun activities!  In the morning, we did some math experiments with a hard boiled egg.  We determined the area, weight, and volume of the egg using a grid, balance, and a cup of water.  We also had an egg hunt in the classroom.  Then, we got to rotate to Mrs. Foskett and Ms. McChain's classrooms to do fun activities.  We made bunny baskets, did many math activities using jelly beans, and colored eggs.  It was so fun!

I hope everyone has a great 3-day weekend!

Lots of pictures from this week!
Kylie and Jackson guessing what's inside the bags.
Reading books!
Making words
Playing the sight word game
Adelynn reading the poem
Making more words!

Making classmates' names

The bunny game
Measuring flowers with bugs
"Egg Bunnies"
Searching for eggs
Bunny bags in Ms. McChain's room

Coloring eggs in Mrs. Foskett's room

Jelly bean math in Mrs. Skeels' room

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