Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9

This week we celebrated our 100th day of school!  We had a blast on Monday doing many, many 100th day activities.  All the kindergarten students were able to go to the other kindergarten rooms and do activities such as 100 exercises, 100 pancake/sausage snack, 100 piece puzzle, 100 spotted dalmatian, 100 noodle picture, and 100 fruit loop necklace.  The kids had a great time being with some other friends and teachers in the morning.  In the afternoon, we made our snack mix of 100 snacks and also colored in a secret 100 on our hundreds chart.  What a great day!

On Tuesday, we started our center rotations.  This week, we will be talking about the words he and she.  Our centers include reading the room, listening to a dinosaur story and writing a response, writing and illustrating a sentence, a phonics activity, word work, adding another book to our book bin drawer, and letter centers.  While students go to their centers, I also meet with our reading groups.  Everyone is doing a great job.

On Wednesday, I had intervention training in the morning, so Mrs. Wanless came to guest teach in our classroom!!!  The children made their valentine mailboxes and began learning about dinosaurs.  They read about the T-Rex and started a nonfiction journal.  We will be learning about other dinosaurs and doing LOTS of fun activities over the next 2 weeks.  Students also brainstormed -ing words and made a book of some of the words they came up with.  We will continue working on a special valentine card this afternoon, and also continue to work in our math books on chapter 6!  We are learning/reviewing numbers 10-30.  This is a great thing to review at home to be sure your child is confident recognizing and writing these numbers!

Reminders:  If you would like, send in your valentines by Monday.  I had several people volunteer to send items/food in for Valentine's Day - Thank you so much!!!!

I am also in need of some extra conversation hearts and various shapes of noodles (wheels, spaghetti, macaroni, etc.) for a project that we will be doing.  If anyone has some at home or is able to donate some, we would appreciate it very much!

100 footsteps through the school
100 exercises
100 fruit loop necklaces
100 noodle artwork
100 piece puzzles

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