Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 16

Saying Thanks for the Valentines
On Monday, we celebrated Valentine's Day!  In the morning, we did some math activities using candy hearts: graphing, sorting, and measuring.  We finished our valentine book and took it home for someone special.  We hope you enjoyed reading it!  We spent time opening valentines from our teachers and classmates.  It was wonderful to see the interactions as students opened their cards and thanked their friends!  We did one dinosaur activity as well using cookies and toothpicks.  We pretended to be paleontologists excavating fossils.  It was a lot of fun!

Thanks, Jackson!

Candy Heart Math

On Tuesday, we continued with our dinosaur unit.  We did a math estimation activity with fruit snacks and made our own fossils using coffee grounds, salt, and flour.  We are just waiting for them to dry and then they will be coming home.  The books that we are reading about dinosaurs are very interesting and full of facts!  We are making our own nonfiction dinosaur book about 5 types of dinosaurs.  This will be coming home later this week, so be sure to help your child read it and talk about the things we have learned at school.

Noodle Skeletons

Today, we learned about skeletons.  We learned that scientists use skeletons to learn about animals that are extinct.  We also talked about different bones that animals and people have (skull, backbone, ribs, legs, knees, etc.).  Our class made dinosaur skeletons using different types of noodles.  They are wonderful and we will be displaying them in our own kindergarten "museum" outside our classroom!

Other dinosaur activities that we are doing this week include finishing our dinosaur fact book, taking a survey, making a class graph, making a little book, and measuring dinosaur tails.  This has been a great unit!  Next week we will be learning about different U.S. presidents.

Making Valentines for our Fourth Grade Buddies

Opening Valentines

Measuring Dinosaur Bones

Drawing a Dinosaur
A Graph of Our Class's Favorite Dinosaurs

Making Dinosaur Fossils

Adyn Excavates Chocolate Chips
Chocolate Chip Excavation

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