Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, February 11

Yesterday we went to our second literacy centers and learned about the triceratops.  We wrote in our dinosaur journal about some of the facts we learned!  In the afternoon, we continued through our math book and reviewed numbers 1-30 with our number tiles.  We also set up a dental office in our dramatic play center!  Our class is having a fantastic time waiting in the waiting room, taking appointments, checking teeth, and writing after-visit summaries!  It is fun for me to hear the conversations that they have as "dentists" and "patients."

Today, we had an early release day.  We made valentine bees that turned out great!  Our class also made some conversation hearts to put on our valentine bulletin board.  We wrote another page in our valentine book as well.  We will finish it up and send it home on Monday!  We have had a great week, I just hope that next week is a little warmer so we can get outside for recess! 

Have a great weekend and send in your valentines on Monday!

Valentine Bees
The new room favorite - A Dentist Office
Sydney in the waiting room
Isabel explains how to better brush your teeth
Dr. Marcus

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