Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18th

We are finishing up our unit on dinosaurs.  Today we discussed the Brontosaurus and other Sauropods.  Your child will be bringing home the nonfiction book that we have made.  Please take some time to read it with him/her!  We also discussed living and extinct reptiles and the characteristics of reptiles.  Each student took a survey of our class's current favorite dinosaur!

REMINDERS:  Monday will be an early release day with conferences in the afternoon and evening.  Next week Friday there will be no school.

PREFERENCE SHEETS: Your preference sheets for multiage or single grade classrooms for your child next year are due soon.  Please turn in your sheet or let me know if you need another one.  If you live in the Yahara boundaries, you do not need to turn in a sheet.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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