Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

This week, we are getting ready for the 100th day of school by doing lots of things with the number 100.  On Monday, we finished the sentence, "I could eat 100 _______."  Many people thought they would eat 100 Skittles!  We also learned two partner games: race to 100 and connect the dots.  We had a fun time playing each of these games throughout the day.  Our new word this week is and, so we read a chart and poem and found the word.  We also made a list of words with and in them.  Some of those words are Amanda, candy, hand, and band.  In the afternoon, we had an assembly to celebrate the work we have done for Operation Hallway.  We got to have a dance party in the gym!

On Tuesday, we finished the second sentence in our 100 book: "If I was 100 feet tall ____________."  We thought about ways we could help people if we were 100 feet tall and also problems that we might face, like where to sleep!  We also wrote about what we would do if Mrs. Skeels gave us $100.  Most of us said we would save it :)  In the afternoon, we colored in a 100 maze and compared some of our 100 collections on the balance.  We learned that different sets of 100 can be heavy or light and that even large things (like cotton balls) are sometimes lighter than small things (like conversation hearts). 

Tomorrow we will learn about Groundhog Day and do some different activities to go along with this fun day!  If we end up having a snow day, our weekly schedule will be pushed back a day and our 100th day of school will actually be next week on Monday.  Don't forget to send in both your 100 snack items and your 100 collection to be glued ASAP!!!

Stay safe in the snow!
Jackson's Name Pattern

Shane's Name Pattern
Kylie and Mason playing "Race to 100"

"If I had 100 dollars I would save it."

"If I was 100 feet tall I would help people pick apples that are way high."

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