Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12

On Monday we went on a walking field trip to the fire station.  We had a great time looking at the fire truck and ambulance and learning all about a firefighter's job. 

This week we are learning the word a and reviewing the words I and see.  We went to 6 literacy centers this week to practice our new words and other literacy skills.   This week we continue to learn about our community and helpers in our community.  We have started a huge map in our room and have added roads and bodies of water to it so far.  Later in the week we will be adding our houses!

Today we started our first social studies centers.  We had a fun time playing turn-taking games with friends, and doing activities with community helpers.

**Return library books every Tuesday!  We were missing lots of books this week!
**Our homecoming parade is on Friday.  We have made some special headbands and will be making rockets for our theme: "The Tiders are out of this world!!!! 3-2-1 Blast-off!!!!"

Pictures from this week:
Our class at the fire station
Parts of the fire truck
The fire truck with its lights on!!
We even got to go inside the ambulance!
The ambulance

Pictures of our social studies centers:

Match the tools to the job
Community Helper Bingo
Pattern Block math
Tool Game
Race to put out the fire

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