Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wedneday, October 5

We have been busy the last few days of school! 
Last Thursday was our field trip to the apple orchard and Palmer Park.  Our time at the park was fun, but then it started to rain.  We were still able to visit the orchard, but we stayed inside the store.  We got to enjoy an apple doughnut and apple cider, see the crates of apples and the apple sorter, and bring home a bag of apples!

Friday was our first Early Release day.  We did some fun apple activities in the morning and went to our switcheroo groups.  After recess and snack, we had a short time for free choice and then we went home.

During the month of October, we will be learning about community helpers and places in the community.  We started this week by brainstorming different occupations and reading books about community helpers.  Next week we will take a walking trip to the fire station on Monday.  I have lots of fun community helper activities planned for the month!!!

We also learned our first two kindergarten sight words this week.  We have spent lots of time practicing the words I and see on different projects and at many different centers.  Throughout the year, we will continue to practice these words and will also learn many others!  We have started reading simple books with predictable text.  I am very impressed with the way our class remembers to use their fingers to point to words!  We have a class full of beginning readers!

I have changed the slide show at the top of our blog to include pictures from our field trip.  Check them out!

Other reminders:
Monday - Fire Station walking trip
Tuesday - Library - don't forget to return your book!!!
Friday- Homecoming parade

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