Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28

Our field trip last week to the bank, Mario's, and the police station was very fun!  It was interesting to see what types of jobs people do in our community.  We learned a lot at each place, but I know our class especially loved the pizza and breadsticks at Mario's! 

Later last week, we practiced measuring fire hoses and other things around the classroom using unifix cubes.  We also got to meet our fifth grade buddies on Friday! 

This week we continued to practice all our sight words (I, see, a, we, the).  Our centers this week included the listening center, making a book for our book bin, stamping words, reading book bin books, word work, and an activity sorting pictures by initial consonant sounds.  We also made a class book about community helpers and wrote in our journals about things we are good at.  Yesterday we worked in small groups to make different places in our community to add to our map.  The places our class came up with included a park, a school, McDonald's, the Piggly Wiggly, and the pool.

Today is an early release day.  We started the day by going to gym and music right away.  We read the book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything and made another book to go in our book bins.  Later in the morning, we will enjoy a fun snack and then change into our Halloween costumes for the parade.  I will post pictures of everyone as soon as I can!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

This was a fun math game that we played this week.  The strip has numbers 2-12 on it.  You have to roll 2 dice, add the numbers together, and cover the number on the strip.  Keep playing until all the numbers are covered!  This would be easy to make at home!
This is Calvin's picture that he made in computers this week.  We made fall pictures.
5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

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