Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th

Last week we had guidance on Thursday with Mrs. Miller.  We talked about different feelings and how to tell how another person is feeling.  On Friday, we had our Homecoming Pep-Rally and Parade!  We had lots of fun watching the football players and practicing our chant "The Tiders are out of this world!!!"  We also started making fire trucks on Friday and finished them up yesterday.  We have been talking about fire safety and practicing Stop, Drop, and Roll.

This week, we are reviewing our sight words I, see, and a and we have learned the new words the and we.  We have been practicing our new words at letter centers and on our word work.  We have also added new books to our book bin drawers that we practice reading every day.  We are getting good at pointing to the words as we read!

We are excited for tomorrow.  We will be walking to the bank, police station, and Mario's for a field trip around the community.  I hope we have a great time!!!

Things to practice at home:
*Have your child search for sight words in books and magazines.
*Practice writing numbers 1-10.
*Say a word and have your child try to figure out the letter that the word starts with. 

*Library books are due every Tuesday!!!  You can have your child keep his/her book in his/her backpack every day for an easy place to store it!

*Field Trip tomorrow to places in the community

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