Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9

We went to the high school today to see the farm animals in the morning!  It was fun to see the different animals and be able to pet many of them!  Thanks, High Schoolers, for letting us come!

In the afternoon, we had reading and writing workshop, went rollerblading in gym, and did calendar.  We got a thermometer and have been talking about temperature during weather each day.

Through the rest of the week, we will be reading more Dr. Seuss books.  Next week, we will be reading many Eric Carle books and doing some artwork in the way that he makes his books.

REMINDER:  Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day!  If you would like your child's picture taken, be sure to return the paperwork tomorrow if you haven't already!

Here are some pictures from the petting farm:

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