Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday, February 2

Yesterday we spent much of the morning working on our March calendars.  We painted colors with watercolors and then ripped them to make a rainbow.  They turned out very colorful and cute!  We reviewed even and odd numbers in math and went to Guidance and Gym in the afternoon.  Mrs. Casaz also came for our reading and writing workshop.

Today, we read Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now by Dr. Seuss.  We wrote about the story in our journal and talked again about the characteristics of Dr. Seuss's stories.  We did many activities with rhyming today.  In math, we did a fun activity using goldfish crackers.  We did estimation, graphing, and subtraction!  I was very impressed with the way our class worked together in partners.  Working in a group takes cooperation, problem solving, and communication, and I saw all those things happening today! 

Tomorrow we will be doing activities with The Cat in the Hat.

Reminders:  Field Trip money ($9.55) is due Friday! 
                   Check the snack calendar!!!!
                   Next week, send a helmet with your child for gym.  They will be starting a rollerblading unit on Tuesday!

Our March calendar
Jackson and our new classmate, Peter
Isabel and Jenna work on their "Fish Math"

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