Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday, March 22

Today was a rainy, dreary day.  We had inside recess all day :(  But, we did get to do some fun projects!  This morning we read Eric Carle's book Have You Seen My Cat?  After reading the book, we talked about what we could do if our cat really was lost.  Then, we made "missing" posters to hang up around our hallway.  They turned out great!  Many students wrote descriptions of their cat, the cat's name, their phone number, and some even offered a reward! 

In the afternoon, our class had social group and gym.  Then, Mrs. Casaz came for our reading and writing workshop.  Some students read new books and wrote sentences using the words come and here.  Other students worked on the stories they started.  I am excited about the great ideas that our class has come up with for their stories.  Some are fiction stories with animals that talk and some are nonfiction stories with many interesting facts.  We will be working hard all week on writing our stories, proofreading, and then finishing our books with color.  After they are done, we will be able to share them with the class!

After our last inside recess, we also painted tissue paper.  Later this week we will be making artwork the way Eric Carle does his books.  We painted our tissue with paint and then used different objects to put textures and other colors onto the paper.  I can't wait to see how the art turns out! 

Tomorrow we will be reading Eric Carle's book Pancakes, Pancakes! and making pancakes together as a class!  Yum!

These are the pieces of tissue that we painted for our Eric Carle project!
Isabel's Missing Poster: "Have you seen my cat Whiskers? She has stripes.  If you find her call me at 884-..."
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