Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30

On Tuesday, we read Eric Carle's book Little Cloud.  We made our own clouds into different shapes using shaving cream mixed with glue!  We also did a group project to make one of Eric Carle's pictures from Papa, Get the Moon For Me.  I was amazed with how our picture turned out!  The groups did a great job working together and putting the final picture together.  Eric Carle would be proud!
Today we started talking about ways to be healthy and keep ourselves safe.  We read some books about washing our hands, emergencies, and healthy foods.  We will continue to learn more about these things this week and when we come back from Spring Break.  Today, we did a germ experiment with cinnamon.  I pretended to sneeze cinnamon (germs) into my hands, and then we all shook hands to see if the germs spread.  We found out that germs ended up on some people's hands who didn't even shake my hand!  Then we practiced hand washing.  We also wrote our phone number and address and practiced calling 9-1-1 and speaking to an operator.  You can help at home by practicing your address and pone number with your child if he/she doesn't yet have it memorized.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After spring break, the phone numbers at school will be changing.  I will have a direct number that you can call to get a hold of me.  It is 561-6145.  The number for the school will be 561-1077. 

The ladder group

The moon group

The background group

The star group

Our Finished Picture!

Mason and Sydney practice hand washing.

Isabel practices calling 9-1-1.

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