Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday, September 7

We had a very busy week last week!  On Wednesday, we celebrated RED day.  We learned the red color song (which is a favorite every year), found red things around the room, and made a red ladybug.  We spent time learning about our classroom and talking about things like voice level and rug rules.  Ask your child about these!

On Thursday and Friday, we continued our celebration of color days.  We made two more projects for our color books.  We also made pictures of our names to hang in the classroom.  Our specials this week were gym, music, and art. Next week we will visit the computer lab, meet Mrs. Miller for guidance, and will check out our first library books of the year!

This week, we will be spending lots of time learning and practicing everyone's names.  I will be showing everyone how to write their name with only one capital letter at the beginning.  Please have your child practice writing his/her name this way at home!! 

We have had several donations of milk caps and box tops.  Thanks so much for your hep!

Thanks again to the families who sent snack for the class this week.  The snack schedule for the next three months was handed out at Open House (or was placed in your child's folder if you didn't attend).  I forgot to send the snack bags home, but I will do that this week for the snack days coming up!  Sorry, it has been a VERY busy week for everyone!

I am looking forward to a great week :)

Name Projects:

Color Projects:
We learned how to use the ipad minis this week!  These are a couple of pictures that the kids took:
We celebrated Sydney's birthday this week :)
Using the ipads to practice proper letter formation:

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