Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Saturday, Sept. 14

We had a great week this week!  On Friday, we went to library with Mrs. Chappados for the first time.  We will have library every Friday (unless there is an early release or no school).  Please be sure to return library books on Fridays so that your child can check out another book.  

We talked about rules for our classroom that are important for making kindergarten fun for everyone.  As a class, we thought of MANY ideas for rules and then narrowed them down into three bigger rules: be kind, be safe, do your best.  These reflect our school-wide rules of Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe.

Next week, we will be reviewing and learning nursery rhymes.  I have some fun projects that we will make.  In math, we will continue to talk about numbers and practice number formation.  We will also review shapes.  I can't wait for another great week!

Coming Soon: Picture Retake Day is Friday, September 20th.  I will send reminder notes home on Monday and picture envelopes with students who haven't yet gotten their pictures taken.  If you would like your child's picture retaken, please let me know and I will send home an envelope for you!

A few pictures from the week:

Color mixing experiment

Some pictures from independent reading...great job!!

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