Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Presidents' Day

We learned about some past presidents and our current president during the week of Presidents' Day. Ask your child to tell you some facts about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama. We made a book with pictures and facts about these men that came home last week! This week we have been working on our dinosaur research project. In the computer lab, we went onto the Dinosaur Train website to look up information about what each dinosaur eats and uses for protection.  We are learning about money in math.  Counting different coins (penny, nickel, dime) is a little tricky, so we appreciate your help at home! During writing time we have been working on writing our first stories. Most of the kids in our class are just about finished and are ready to design a cover. After we share the stories here at school, we will bring them home to share with you!
Reminder: We have an early release day this Thursday for conferences.
ALSO, we have collected our first 500 box tops!!!! Thanks for your help and please continue to send in your box tops! We have collected another 85 towards our next goal of 500.

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