Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18

We have been very busy in kindergarten over the last week and a half!  Last week, we learned about Chinese New Year.  Emma K brought in some special coloring books and red envelopes with chocolate "money" to help us celebrate!  She had some fun experiences to share with us as we read stories about this holiday.  Our class was excited to hear about this holiday and to get the special gifts from Emma!

We continue to learn many more things about dinosaurs.  There are lots of interesting websites and clips online that we have been using for our dino research.  We learned about how fossils are made and were able to "excavate" chocolate chip fossils from cookies last week.  This week, we have examined dinosaur skeletons and tried to make our own skeletons out of noodles.  Pictures will be coming soon!  Later on, we will be making our own dinosaur fossils using a coffee clay recipe.    Our dinosaur notebook is quickly filling up!  We can't wait to share it with you once we are finished.

Thank you for all who contributed to the valentine treats last week!!!  We had enough treats to last us a few days! :) We had a great day passing out valentines, opening them together, saying "thank you," and making a book from all the valentines.  Thank you for all the work you did making the valentine boxes and addressing the valentines.  The day was very special for everyone.

This week in centers, we are listening to stories on CD, practicing our guided reading books, looking at/reading dinosaur books, doing word work with all our sight words, practicing rhyming, and writing lists, letters, and recipes!  We continue to practice new books at school that your child will bring home to practice with you during the week.  Thank you for taking time to listen to your child read.  They are so excited to share their books!

We are getting closer to our box top goal of 500.  For every 500 box tops we collect, our class receives a gift card for $25!  Thank you all for helping!

No school this Friday.

Spring Pictures are coming soon.  If you would like your child's picture taken, please return the form to school!

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