Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6

We have been very busy in kindergarten since my last post!  We have been reading many different versions of The Gingerbread Man.  We have started making a journal about the different gingerbread stories we have read.  We compare the characters, setting, and ending of each story.  It has been a fun unit!  Other gingerbread activities that we have done include measuring our jumps and our height using gingerbread cut-outs, measuring the perimeter and area of a gingerbread, tasting gingerbread and doing 5 senses activities, making a class graph, making a book bin book, making a gingerbread glyph, and doing simple addition problems using a pan and "gingerbread" cookies.  We have also bee practicing the words you and can over the last two weeks.  We have done a lot more writing in the last couple of weeks and I have been so impressed with the way that everyone is sounding out words and using kindergarten spelling!!!  We are going to continue to practice leaving spaces between words.

Later this week, we will be doing a science experiment about things that dissolve in water and will be making our own gingerbread houses (from lunch bags) and doing several math activities with these.  I hope we have a great time!

Next week we will be studying winter holidays around the world.  We hope to see you and your friends and family at the Holiday Sing next Thursday at 1:30 at the EPAC!

*Return your library book every Tuesday!
****Please be sure to send a hat and mittens with your child every day as well as a warm, winter coat.  We go out for two long recesses every day and it can be very cold and windy on the playground.  Snow pants and boots are also good for warmth and will be necessary once it snows. 

Check out the new pictures in the slide show!  These are from some of our activities in the last couple of weeks!

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