Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, December 13

This week we have been talking about holidays in December.  On Monday, we discussed Christmas and made Christmas trees and stamped wreaths using green peppers.  Our new sight word is IT, so we made a class book using the word it.  We made a paper "present" and hid a toy beneath.  Then we wrote clues so that our classmates could try and guess what was inside the present.  It was a lot of fun!

Today we have been learning about Hanukkah.  We read a book and watched a short video clip about the history of Hanukkah.  Then, we made a menorah and played the dreidel game.  We also made a book for our book bin drawers about socks!

Later this week, we will be learning about Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Divali, and Ramadan.  We will be making projects for each holiday, so be sure to check them out when your child brings them home!

Our new sight word for this week is IT.  Please review all our sight words with your child at home!

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, Dec. 15th at 1:30
K-2 Holiday Sing at the EPAC
Arrive early to get seated before the show starts!
Friday, Dec. 16th
Pajama Day!!!
**Just remember that your child will still be playing outside for recess, so dress appropriately!

Monday, Dec. 19th
Polar Express Activity Day!
Staff will also be participating in “Festive Sweater” Day,
so your child is welcome to wear festive clothing as well! J

Wednesday, Dec. 21
Last Day Before Break!
We will be having a small party in the classroom to celebrate the holidays. 
Please let me know if you are interested in sending treats or hot chocolate for the party!
Stamping with green peppers
Making Christmas Trees
Brooklyn's finished Christmas tree
A wreath!

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