Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25

This has been a fun week so far!

On Monday, we made a new book for our book bin drawers called "Down on the Farm."  This book has movable animals that are used to tell the story.  We also wrote in our farm journal about pigs.  We learned that the male pig is a boar, the female is a sow, and a baby is a piglet.  Pigs dig in the mud with their snouts to find food.  They also roll in mud to stay cool and protect their skin from the sun.  In the afternoon, our class went to music.  We have been practicing very hard for our Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony!  We hope that you can come!

On Tuesday, we went to the park on a field trip for Outside Day. Our class had lots of fun playing on the equipment and playing games with other classes.  They also got to eat a picnic lunch before walking back for specials.  It was a fun day with great weather!

Today we worked in our farm journals again.  We learned about chickens and wrote about them.  We also practiced addition and graphing.  We did a fun sheep activity where we had to estimate how many cotton balls would fill up the sheep's coat, then we checked our answer with real cotton.  We also got to spend some time working on puzzles for P day! 

Later this week, we will be learning about the farmer's role in running a farm and talking about animal babies.  We will also read one of my favorite books, "Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type" and will be writing our own letter to Farmer Brown!  The PTA is celebrating Kindergarten as the grade of the month this month.  On Friday, they will be bringing us popcorn to enjoy while we watch a farm video.

Letter Days for Next Week:
Monday-No School!
Tuesday-S for Silly Socks Day!  We will also be doing Spooky activities in kindergarten!
Wednesday-T for Tider Day - wear red, white, and black!
Thursday-U for USA day - wear red, white, and blue!
Friday-V for video day.  Kindergarten will also be doing a Vacation at the Beach theme for the day!

Other Reminders:
*Our Farm Field Trip is on Wednesday, June 8th.  Please send field trip money for your child ($8.25) and for any chaperones who will be coming ($9) if you haven't already!  Also, return the lunch for so that we can get a bag lunch count to the kitchen for that day.

*The last day to return all library books is next week on Wednesday.  Please be sure to return you child's book by then!

Our caterpillars have all turned to chrysalises!
*Kindergarten Graduation is next week on Thursday (June 2).  It will be at 11:45 at the EPAC!  We hope you can make it!

Our class farm!

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