Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10

This week we are finishing up our bug unit.  We have talked about the parts of a bug and characteristics of insects.  On Monday, each child got to draw and paint his/her own bug jar!  There were many different types of insects in the jars - butterflies, ants, praying mantises, walking sticks, and other creative bugs.  We also wrote a description of our bug jar and where we found the bugs.  They are hanging in the hallway above our coats if you would  like to check them out!

Today was "E" day on our end of school countdown.  E is for exercise, so we went outside to run and stretch.  It was very hot out there!!!  We also picked flowers and made a class bouquet.  We went to 2 math centers in the morning and will finish the other 2 tomorrow.  We  also made a fun accordion bug book for our book bin drawers. 

Tomorrow, we will work in teams to create different parts of a monarch's life cycle.  It is also "F" day on our countdown.  I hope our class earns a fun activity tomorrow!

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