Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18

We have been very busy since last week!  On Friday, we began discussing 3D shapes: cylinder, sphere, cone, cube.  We began by searching our classroom to find the different shapes and sorting them into groups.  Then, we tried rolling and sliding each of the shapes down a ramp.  We finished our exploration by completing a Venn Diagram, comparing how each shape moves.  We had a lot of fun doing this!




This is the ramp that we used to try to slide and roll the objects.
Our Venn Diagram

On Monday, we read another Jan Brett story called The Mitten.  We used flannel board pieces to retell the story.  Our new words this week are come and in.   We practiced making these words in our word work and then at letter stations around the room.

The Mitten flannel board pieces for a retelling of the story
Monday was also Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  We read a book about Dr. King and watched part of his famous "I have a dream" speech.  We also wrote about what our dreams are!  Below is an example.  It says, "Kyle has a dream that everyone will have enough food."

We read another book by Jan Brett called The Umbrella.  This was a fun book that reminded us a lot of her book The Mitten.  We responded to the story in our journal and wrote about the setting, characters, and a part that we enjoyed.

We did a fun new writing activity this week.  We have lots of picture cards in our room with the word spelled on the back.  Each student chose a card and then had to write a sentence using that word.  They also illustrated the sentence.  This was a creative writing activity!

"Pumpkins can turn in to jack-o-lanterns."
The last pictures on this post are from some centers in the classroom. 

Shane and Ali making ABCDE patterns

Students play in the house area during choice time!

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