Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all!  I was happy to get back to school and see everyone again!  On Monday, we spent some time in an assembly talking about hallway expectations and then we revisited our classroom rules together.  We decided that the rules for our classroom will be: 1. Be Safe  2. Be Kind  3. Do our best.

On Tuesday, we made snowboys and snowgirls and wrote about the things we like to do with our snow friends.  Through the rest of the week, we will continue to read stories about snow and snowpeople, write in our January journals, review our sight words at several literacy centers, and continue to work in our math book.  In chapter four, we have been practicing numbers 6-10, graphing, and problem solving.  In science, we will be learning about polar animals. 

Thank you for returning our Winter Break Journals!  We have enjoyed reading about everyone's vacation.  If you did not get a chance to complete your journal, continue working on it and bring it in later in the week!

Below are some pictures of our Pajama Day!  The kids are posed with gifts that I bought for the classroom (bowling, books, twister, and a new puzzle!)  Their favorite is bowling!

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