Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, March 16

This week we have been talking about leprechauns, St. Patrick's Day, and Eric Carle.  Early in the week, we painted pictures of leprechauns and then wrote stories about what we would do if we had a leprechaun.  We also made a class book called Where is the Leprechaun.  We used the sight words is, he, and the to make a boot about looking for a leprechaun.  We finally found him under the pot of gold on the last page of our book!

Yesterday in the afternoon, we had a special performance of some familiar songs by the Edgerton Middle School Band.  It was really fun to see the different instruments and hear songs that we all know!  My favorite was the Polar Express theme song!

Today we started our author study of Eric Carle books.  We read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and wrote about our favorite part of the book. We also retold the story on the flannel board and with a fun puppet that I made.  In the afternoon, several of us wrote a book called The Very Hungry Kindergartner.  Have your child read their book to you when they bring it home later this week!

In math this week, we are finishing up our unit on money and will begin talking about time.  Practice counting coins (dimes, nickels, and pennies) with your child.  You can set up a "store" for him/her to buy different things, too!  You can also start talking about time with your child in order to preview our next math section.  We will be learning how to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Recently, I sent home a reading bag with your child.  Inside the bag are books that your child should be able to read independently or with just a little help.  Have your child practice these books each night to build reading confidence, sight word recognition, and reading fluency.  The books are only a few pages and will not take long to read.  Your child can return the bag each day and choose 5 more books to bring home! 

Wear green tomorrow for St. Patrick's Day!  We will be reading a funny story about a leprechaun and then acting out the story using puppets.

OTHER NEWS:  We have added another student to our class!  Xavier joined our class this week!  Please keep this in mind when you are sending snack for the class :)

Kyle's leprechaun and his story
One page from our class Green Eggs and Ham book
Our new friend, Xavier, and our old friend Brody :)

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