Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8

Yesterday we read the Dr. Seuss book, There's a Wocket in My Pocket and wrote about the story in our journals.  We also learned about the nickel and practiced counting by 5s.  In the afternoon, we went to UW Whitewater's The Very Hungry Caterpillar (and other Eric Carle stories).  The kids LOVED it!  The play was performed by Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia using fluorescent puppets and a black light.  At the end of the play, the performers showed the kids how they moved the puppets and dressed all in black so that the characters moved "magically" on stage!  You can learn more about these performers at http://www.mermaidtheatre.ns.ca/

Today, we read If I Ran the Zoo and made our own crazy zoo animals.  Then, we wrote facts about our animals including what they eat and what they like to do.  In the afternoon, our class went to Guidance and got to rollerblade in gym! 

Tomorrow we will be practicing our new sight word an and making words with an in them.  The high school FFA students will also be giving us a short tour of farm animals at the high school.

A Crazy Zoo Animal by Peter

Brody wrote about his animal.

Another crazy animal by McKenna

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