Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28

On Wednesday we made a layer book about different types of weather.  We have been talking about -an words all week and making different words like and, man, fan, sand.  Our class has had lots of fun finding these words in books!  We continue to rotate through our math centers this week.  The kids are having a great time - especially at the balloon toss and the toothpick building.

We became authors of books this week as well.  We have been talking about different things that authors do and different types of stories they write.  We started stories about things we know a lot about.  They are a lot of fun and our class enjoys working on them!  Writing stories at home is a great way to practice reading and writing, and to tie in the literacy skills we have worked on all year at school. 

Today we will be learning about Chinese New Year.  We will be making a lantern for Chinese New Year as well.  We will be illustrating a predictable sentence and writing a book page for our friend, Angelynna, whose last day is today :(  We will miss having her in our class!

Next week we will be celebrating Groundhog's Day and the 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  We have many, many fun activities planned.  If you are interested in donating materials for our projects, please let me know as soon as possible.  I will also be sending out information about Valentine's Day next week.

A picture of most of our class :)
We compared two stories about the mitten using a Venn Diagram.

Our last page in our Jan Brett journal.
 I hope you all have a great weekend!

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