Friday, January 28, 2011

The 100th Day of School


       Our one hundredth day of school is coming up on Friday, February 4th.  We have many exciting activities planned to celebrate this day, but we need some help from you!

100 Snacks: We will be making a snack mix of 100 snack items together as a class.  We need you to send in a bag of exactly 100 snack items.  Some examples include m&m’s, pretzels, pieces of cereal, raisins, gummy bears, etc.  There is a 100 chart on the back of this note if you would like to use it to help count out the items. 

100 objects: We will be filling a jar with 100 objects.  We need you to send in a bag of 100 small objects that can be glued onto construction paper.  Some ideas include pieces of string, cotton balls, pieces of cereal, stickers, toothpicks, or anything else you can think of!  Please remember that the objects need to be small (around 1 inch or less) so that they can fit into the construction paper jar!   
**Please send 100 snacks and 100 objects to school by
Tuesday, February 1st**
Donations: We will also be doing some fun centers in each classroom and need several people to volunteer to donate items.  Please return the bottom of this note as soon as possible if you are interested in buying items for our class!

Thank you for your help in celebrating our 100th Day of School!
The Kindergarten Team

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