Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 29

This week we will be finishing up our author study on Jan Brett and finishing our unit on polar animals.  We have been working hard in centers and guided reading groups and writing lots in our journals.  Other writing activities this week include writing about our colorful snowmen and writing about our 100th day of school!  We have started chapter 7 in math.  This chapter includes skip counting and even/odd numbers.  We continue to review other math concepts like numbers through 30, patterns, 3D shapes, and problem solving! 

Reminders this week:
Rollerblading will start this week on Thursday.  Please send a helmet for your child (if you have one) and rollerblades if you wish!  The kids LOVE this unit!  They are excited to start. 

RCC Dance - Friday from 6:30-8:30 at the High School Fieldhouse!!!! Parents must accompany their children.  Water, chips, and glowsticks will be sold!

100th day of school - Next week on Tuesday.  Please send 100 snack items for a snack mix and 100 items to be glued onto a poster.  We will be comparing the sizes and weights of all our 100 collections.  Some teachers will be dressing as if they are 100 YEARS OLD!!!  Your child is welcome to participate as well! :)

Reading books and logs - Your child has brought home a book from his/her reading group to practice with you at home.  See the reading tips printed on the back of the reading log.  Please have your child read the book at least once and then sign the log.  Your child will bring home another book when that one is returned.  Please keep the reading books/bags in your child's folder. 

That's all for now!  Have a great week!

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