Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday, November 17

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been practicing asking questions before, during, and after reading.  The class seems very excited to talk to one another about the books in their book bags.  They also enjoyed flagging their questions with post-its and sharing all the things they wondered about while reading. 

This week we have been practicing a new sight word: IS.  Please be sure to review all our sight words at home with your child.  There are many ways to learn new words.  Some of the things we do in class include making words with magnetic letters, play dough, and other materials, finding words around the room and in books, singing the sight word songs from Have Fun Teaching (Youtube), reading poems and predictable books with the sight words, and writing the sight words on paper, writing boards, and marker boards.

We have been spending time talking about things that we are thankful for.  On Monday, look for a little book in your child's backpack about all the things they are thankful for.  We also made a class recipe book that will come home on Monday.  I had a great time recording each child's version of their favorite recipe.  I hope you enjoy these!

This week we have been learning about the very first Thanksgiving.  Ask your child about some of these words: Pilgrims, England, Mayflower, Plymouth Rock, Native Americans, and log cabins.  You will see a book about the first Thanksgiving come home on Tuesday.  Ask your child to tell you the story of the first Thanksgiving!

On Friday, we had two special activities in the morning.  We went to the High School EPAC for the first time and got to watch a concert by the music group Break of Reality.  This was a group of four cellos and one drum who play a mix of classical and rock music.  The kids enjoyed clapping along to the beat!  We also had a special guest (a mother of a kindergarten student) come to talk with us about the winter holiday Diwali.  Each student got to make their own diyas.  We will be learning more about this and other winter holidays in December and will bring home our diyas then!

Next week is a short week.  We will be reviewing all our sight words and finishing up our work on Thanksgiving projects.  We have a fun activity planned with other kindergarten classes on Tuesday and your child is welcome to wear his/her PAJAMAS to school on Tuesday!      

I hope that you all have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving and are able to spend time with your friends and families. 

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