Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More Apples

During the end of our apple unit last week we made applesauce together as a class.  Each child peeled and cut up an apple to add to the crock pot.  The kids were VERY excited to be cutting with "real" knives...don't worry - they were just butter knives! Everyone worked very hard to get all the skin cut off and the seeds cut out.  We cooked the apples all day until they were soft and yummy.  You could smell them cooking from down the hall!!  Everyone got to taste the applesauce at the end of the day and it was delicious. 

This week, we have been starting to learn new sight words.  Our first words are I, see, a, and the.  We will be practicing these words for two weeks before going on to new words.  We have done many word activities with sight words.  We read words around the room, highlight words in little books and poems that are in our book bin drawers, make words with magnet letters, glue letters to make words, and practice writing words on the marker boards and on paper.  Repetition and practice will help all these new words stick in our brains!  Your help practicing sight words at home will help your child as well.  I will be sending a poetry packet home later in the week.  Your child has a copy here at school, so he/she will be able to read many of these poems on his/her own.  Have your child practice reading several times each week.  Make sure to have your child point under each word as he/she reads!

This month, our theme is community helpers.  We have many fun activities and a couple of field trips planned for this unit.  I am excited about the fun things we will be doing!  Look for a special homework project to come home late this week or early next week.  I hope you have fun with this activity!!

**We will be walking to the fire station on Friday. 
**We will be going on a walking field trip in a couple of weeks.  Watch for more information on this trip!
**Library is on Friday of each week. Please return your library books on time!

Here are some pictures of our applesauce project and other activities from the week:

This is a season book that we made.  Have your child tell you about the seasons of the apple tree.

This is a fall tree picture that we made last week.
This is our nursery rhyme anchor chart.  Have your child practice the nursery rhymes we learned at school!

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