Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We have been very busy this week!  On Monday, our theme was the color red.  We learned the red color song and made ladybug pictures.  We also practiced the letter A.  On Tuesday, we made an orange pumpkin and listened to the orange song.  We practiced B.  Today we made yellow suns and practiced the letter C.  Tomorrow is Green Day!  Send your child to school wearing green!  We will be making a green tree and learning the green song. 

We will also continue to learn a letter each day including the capital, lowercase, sound, and correct way to write the letter.  Please practice these letters at home with your child to reinforce what we have learned at school!  Even a couple of minutes each day helps a lot!

Our anchor charts this week focused on sitting during circle time and listening attentively.  You can see pictures of our finished charts below.  We will be revisiting these throughout the year as needed. 

Today we brainstormed rules as a class.  We decided to include BE SAFE, BE KIND, and DO YOUR BEST.  Our school rules are the same, but worded a bit differently.  We added those words to our class rule poster as well!  Again, you can see pictures below!

Specials Schedule:
This year we are on a Red 1, White 1, Red 2, White 2 schedule.  We have gym on red days, art on white 1, and music on white 2.  You can check the school's calendar on our website ( to find out what day it is. 

Library will be every Friday.  Your child will bring home a library book this week!  Please be sure to return it every Friday so that he/she is able to check out a new one!

Book Orders came home today.  Let me know if your child didn't bring one home.  Please return your money to school by next Friday if you would like to order! 

Don't forget to help your child write his/her Hopes and Dreams for Kindergarten.  We have several displayed already!

Links to things we have done this week:
Color songs:
Letter songs:

Pictures from the week:

Orange Day:  Everyone is working hard on their pumpkins!

These are the rules we came up with together!

Anchor charts for reader's workshop

Color Projects for our Color Book

A class graph of our favorite colors

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