Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homecoming 2012

I have posted a new slideshow of some pictures from our Homecoming Pep Rally and Parade.  The kids had a wonderful time at the High School in the morning. They got to see many cool things including fall sports teams, a tug of war contest between teachers and FB players, a field goal kicking contest, special Tider cheers, and more.  The parade was fun too, even though it started raining on us :)  I also saw lots of familiar faces as the teachers joined the after-school parade.  What a fun celebration!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday,September 19

Since last week we have continued to work on learning color words, letters, and numbers.  On blue day, we made a blue bird.  Purple day was for a purple flower.  We made a black and brown dog yesterday and a pink and white fish today.  Our color books will come home later this week or early next week.  Have your child read you his/her book!  Each page has predictable text (such as "I see a yellow sun.")  We have been practicing pointing to the words and reading them.  The class is getting good at reading the words!!!

We continue to practice a letter each day.  We say the letter and letter sound, find things that start with that letter, and practice writing the letter correctly.  You child has been bringing a handwriting sheet home each night.  Please help reinforce what we learn at school by working on letters at home with your child!  Some of the letters can be tricky to write, so extra practice is very helpful!  We have gone through the alphabet A-H and will continue until we reach Z!  We also practiced writing some color words on the marker boards.

We haven't started our math text yet, but we have been talking a lot about numbers, counting, and patterns.  We also practice calendar concepts each day.  We have written numbers 1-3 and will continue to practice a new number each day.  We have also been working in a fun math packet where we can draw our own patterns.  Later in the book we will draw pictures to solve different math stories.  This book will come home once it is finished.

Next week, we will be studying nursery rhymes and reviewing shapes.  Take some time to explore shapes around your home.  Help your child find or make different shapes like square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval, start, and heart and even some harder shapes like hexagon, octagon, pentagon, rhombus, and trapezoid.  Shapes are all around us!

Our Homecoming parade is this Friday at 9:30.  Please send your child in comfortable, weather-appropriate clothes.  Edgerton's colors are red, white, and black. 

Here are some fun nursery rhyme links:

Hickory Dickory Dock
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Humpty Dumpty
Wee Willie Winkie
Jack and Jill
Jack Be Nimble

Colors and Shapes:
Shape Song

Letter Songs:

A few pictures from the week:

Showing their birthdays for our birthday poster

Sorting by beginning letter sound

Some of our color projects

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We have been very busy this week!  On Monday, our theme was the color red.  We learned the red color song and made ladybug pictures.  We also practiced the letter A.  On Tuesday, we made an orange pumpkin and listened to the orange song.  We practiced B.  Today we made yellow suns and practiced the letter C.  Tomorrow is Green Day!  Send your child to school wearing green!  We will be making a green tree and learning the green song. 

We will also continue to learn a letter each day including the capital, lowercase, sound, and correct way to write the letter.  Please practice these letters at home with your child to reinforce what we have learned at school!  Even a couple of minutes each day helps a lot!

Our anchor charts this week focused on sitting during circle time and listening attentively.  You can see pictures of our finished charts below.  We will be revisiting these throughout the year as needed. 

Today we brainstormed rules as a class.  We decided to include BE SAFE, BE KIND, and DO YOUR BEST.  Our school rules are the same, but worded a bit differently.  We added those words to our class rule poster as well!  Again, you can see pictures below!

Specials Schedule:
This year we are on a Red 1, White 1, Red 2, White 2 schedule.  We have gym on red days, art on white 1, and music on white 2.  You can check the school's calendar on our website ( to find out what day it is. 

Library will be every Friday.  Your child will bring home a library book this week!  Please be sure to return it every Friday so that he/she is able to check out a new one!

Book Orders came home today.  Let me know if your child didn't bring one home.  Please return your money to school by next Friday if you would like to order! 

Don't forget to help your child write his/her Hopes and Dreams for Kindergarten.  We have several displayed already!

Links to things we have done this week:
Color songs:
Letter songs:

Pictures from the week:

Orange Day:  Everyone is working hard on their pumpkins!

These are the rules we came up with together!

Anchor charts for reader's workshop

Color Projects for our Color Book

A class graph of our favorite colors

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6

We had a GREAT day today!  Everyone is settling in to the rules and routines of the classroom.  We practiced cutting and gluing today and made posters all about ourselves.  I will post some pictures of them next week! 

We also made our first "anchor chart" today.  These charts are created as a class and are used to help "anchor" information in students' minds.  The chart we created today was about sitting at circle time.  We had a great conversation discussing expectations for sitting in a large group, and now we have a visual reminder of those things that we can refer back to throughout the day!  We will be doing lots of anchor charts this year as a part of our Reader's Workshop.

I have entered everyone's e-mail address into our blog, so you should be getting an e-mail every time I write a post. If you don't, please let me know.  Also, tell grandparents and other family members about our blog so that they can take a peek at what your child is doing in kindergarten!

Tomorrow we will be going to music and library!

And now for some pictures from the day...

Work Time


Everyone is working hard on their posters!

The girls made floor of blocks!

Seth made a sun!

Kendal is playing with some Magnetix.

Thomas made color patterns with the unifix cubes - one for every football team he could think of!

Hailey playing with Legos and keeping an eye on the kitchen area

Natalia building a TALL tower

Connor made a sun, too!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our First Day!

Today was the first day of the school year!  We had lots of fun and learned a LOT about how our classroom works.  Ask your child about the bubbles, Take a Break, and the September calendar.  I got to show off our classroom's Smartboard, which the class was very excited about.  Tomorrow we will be making a bus project and going to art for the first time!  I hope we have a fun day!