Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23

This week we have been discussing healthy habits.  We talked about the importance of eating good foods, exercising, sleeping, brushing our teeth, and washing our hands.  You will see your child's health fact journal coming home tonight, so be sure to take a look at it and discuss it with your child!

In centers this week, we have been working on reading, making words, reviewing sight words, writing -an words, and writing sentences.  In math, we have finished chapter 10.  Chapter 11 will be on simple addition.  I have sent home a family involvement packet to work on at home!

Next week, we will be learning about eggs and doing some fun spring projects.  If you are able to donate cotton balls, google eyes, tape, staples, water bottles, jelly beans, or plastic grass please let me know as soon as possible! 

There are only 5 school days left until spring break.  I will be sending a spring break journal home next week.  Please have your child use "kid writing" to write about what you do on spring break.  Return these journals after break and we will read them in class!

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