Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 2012

Yesterday we learned a little about putting words into alphabetical (ABC) order.  First, our class worked together to lay out letter circles from A to Z on the carpet.  Then, we used sight word cards and placed them on the alphabet according to the letter they started with.  We used this technique to order some dinosaur words on our own!  This is a concept that you can help your child practice at home.  You can also try putting letters in ABC order!

In math, we have started learning about coins.  We talked about the penny yesterday and practiced counting pennies.  Next, we will be practicing counting by 5s (nickel).  This is a fun activity to practice at home, too!

Jacob's collection of 100 things

Anna's 100 year old self-portrait

Nicholas's writing about $100: "If I had 100 dollars I would go to Lambeau Field."

Ellen's Snowmen at Night writing: "At night my snowman sparkles."

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