Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16

Today we celebrated Sam's birthday! 

Our week has been full of more color projects, color and name poems, and center activities.  We finished our color projects and made a rainbow color page.  I hope to have the color books put together and ready to come home this afternoon!  Spend some time with your child helping him/her read the color book.  Be sure that your child points to each word as they read - this is an important skill that we will be learning in kindergarten!

On Tuesday, we went to the school library for the first time.  Your child brought home a library book.  Please return this book by next Tuesday so that your child is able to check out another one when we visit the library again.  Something we have talked about in past years is to keep your library book in your backpack when you are not reading it.  This keeps it safe and it is always ready to be returned! 

Thank you to everyone who came to Open House on Wednesday night!  It was so much fun to see our class's families again and watch the excitement in everyone's eyes as they showed off their classroom!

Next week we will be reviewing shapes and practicing nursery rhymes.
Monday - Square and Wee Willie Winkie
Tuesday - Rectangle and Jack Be Nimble
Wednesday - Triangle and Jack and Jill
Thursday - Oval and Humpty Dumpty
Friday - Circle and Hickory Dickory

Some reminders for next week:
Library Books Due Tuesday
Field Trip money ($4) due 9/26

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