Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Snack Calendar

Snack Calendar for October:


3 - Jacob
4 - Hailey
5 - Wyatt
6 - Brooklyn
7 - Morgann
10 - JaMaine
11 - Lacey
12 - Nicholas
13 - Zach
14 - Alex
17 - Anna
18 - Bella
19 - Sam
20 - Alexis
21 - Cloey
24 - Brady
25 - Ellen
26 - Danny
27 - Calvin
28 - Jacob
31 - Hailey
1 - Lacey
2 - Brooklyn
3 - Morgann
4 - JaMaine

Field Trip Tomorrow!!!

Just a reminder:
We are going to the park and apple orchard tomorrow!  Our bus leaves at 8:45 and will return to school at 2:00.  Please dress your child for the weather and for a day of walking and playing outside.  Don't forget to send and lunch AND drink with your child unless you have requested a school lunch. 

Please arrive at 8:30 or earlier.  Don't forget to bring a lunch and drink for yourself!!!  We will arrive back to school at 2:00.  Don't forget to bring $1 if you haven't already paid for yourself.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23

This was such a fun week!  We had a great time with the Nursery Rhymes, projects, and shapes.  One of the best activities was getting together in groups and making shapes with our bodies and getting to read our Let's Find Out magazine on the Tap It (a portable Smart Board). 

Next week we will be starting our switcheroo groups for literacy in the morning.  We will be in small groups with kids from other kindergarten classes working on different activities such as letter and name recognition, letter sounds, phonemic awareness, and beginning writing. 

We will also be learning about apples and seasons, and visiting the apple orchard on Thursday.  Be sure to return your lunch sheet and field trip money if you haven't already! 

Reminders for next week:
**Library Tuesday - please return your books!
**Field Trip Thursday - dress your child for walking and playing outside!
**Early Release on Friday - students dismissed at 11:45.
**We are also still missing a few Family Tree Leaves and Hopes and Dreams flowers.  Let me know if your child needs a new one!

Pictures from this week:

A square
A circle
A BIG Rectangle!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, September 20

This week we have been learning Nursery Rhymes and reviewing shapes.  On Monday, we reviewed the square.  We talked about how to make a square (four straight sides, all the same size) and we made a picture of a town using squares as the buildings.  We learned the Nursery Rhyme, Wee Willy Winkie.  There were also several centers to choose from in our room.  They included making squares with art materials, making squares with play dough or on geo boards, and building a town with blocks.
Today, we reviewed the rectangle and went on a rectangle search in the classroom.  We learned the Nursery Rhyme Jack Be Nimble and all took turns becoming Jack and jumping over a candlestick.  We also made a picture and got to use glitter for the first time this year!  We got to go to centers of our choice after work time. 
Tomorrow we will be learning the rhyme Jack and Jill.  Our shape of the day will be the triangle.  We will also be celebrating Ellen's birthday!
Event this weekend:
Jon Scieszka, author of "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" and "The Stinky Cheese Man," will be in Edgerton this Saturday, September 24th in conjunction with the Edgerton Book Festival.  Families are welcome to visit with Jon Scieszka at Tri-County Community Center, 112 Swift Street, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. on Saturday where he will be signing books.  He will also be appearing in the EPAC to receive the Sterling North Award for Excellence in Children’s Literature and to talk about his books from 4:30-5:30 p.m. 
Pictures from the week:
Working hard on our projects!
Anna's Town
The boys at the block center
Wee Willy Winkie Project

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16

Today we celebrated Sam's birthday! 

Our week has been full of more color projects, color and name poems, and center activities.  We finished our color projects and made a rainbow color page.  I hope to have the color books put together and ready to come home this afternoon!  Spend some time with your child helping him/her read the color book.  Be sure that your child points to each word as they read - this is an important skill that we will be learning in kindergarten!

On Tuesday, we went to the school library for the first time.  Your child brought home a library book.  Please return this book by next Tuesday so that your child is able to check out another one when we visit the library again.  Something we have talked about in past years is to keep your library book in your backpack when you are not reading it.  This keeps it safe and it is always ready to be returned! 

Thank you to everyone who came to Open House on Wednesday night!  It was so much fun to see our class's families again and watch the excitement in everyone's eyes as they showed off their classroom!

Next week we will be reviewing shapes and practicing nursery rhymes.
Monday - Square and Wee Willie Winkie
Tuesday - Rectangle and Jack Be Nimble
Wednesday - Triangle and Jack and Jill
Thursday - Oval and Humpty Dumpty
Friday - Circle and Hickory Dickory

Some reminders for next week:
Library Books Due Tuesday
Field Trip money ($4) due 9/26

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13

We have had lots of fun this week learning new color songs and making more color projects.  We are so excited to show you all the great things we've done so far this year!  We hope to see you all at Open House tomorrow night from 4:30-6:30!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8th

We have had a great color week so far and there is only one more day left to the week!  On Tuesday, we learned a red song, made a picture of a ladybug, and read a book about Clifford.  We made a class book about things that we wish to do with Clifford! 

On Wednesday we had orange day.  We labeled orange things around the room and cut out orange pictures from magazines.   We also made an orange cat picture and played "Who Took the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?" 
Today was yellow day!  We made a picture of a sun and then explored some centers.  We practiced drawing and writing in shaving cream, made shapes with play-dough, used stencils, made more shapes on geo boards, and read some of our new poems on the big charts. 

Tomorrow will be green day.  I hope to see lots of green clothing!  We will be making a class graph on how we all get to school in the morning.  We can't wait to show off everything that we have done so far this year on Open House night (next week on Wednesday night).

See you all tomorrow!

Bella's Sun Picture

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, September 2

We had a very busy first week of school - even with it being only two days!  On our first day of school, we learned how to "Show 5" which is a quiet signal we use throughout the school.  When we "Show 5" we have our eyes and ears on the speaker and our bodies are still.  We also learned how to turn our voice to a zero volume.  This is used when listening to directions or walking in the hallway.

Our first project this year was to make a picture of our name using different colors of ripped paper.  We also used this activity to practice using white glue.  Our projects are hanging in our classroom and they turned out great!

Today, we practiced taking a break.  In class and in specials, there are times when everyone may have to "Take a Break."  This means that we need to take a moment to get our self-control back.  Perhaps we didn't have our full attention on the speaker or we were doing something that was distracting others.  During our short (15 seconds or so) break, we think about what we need to fix in order to get our self-control back, and then we return to the activity!  Everyone did a great job practicing this today. 

Our project today was to make a September calendar.  We didn't have time to pack them up at the end of the day, so they will be coming home on Tuesday!  You can keep this calendar in a special place in your home and cross off the days of the month as they pass.  Your child will be learning the days of the week and months of the year during calendar time and this is a fun way to practice these skills at home!

Things to remember for next week:
*No School on Monday
*Color Days start on Tuesday - send your child in that color if possible!
   Tuesday-red  Wednesday-orange  Thursday-yellow  Friday-green
*I sent home September's snack calendar today.  Please be sure to send in your child's snack on his/her assigned day!  I will send a snack bag home a few days before your snack day as an additional reminder!

Have a great weekend and I will see you on Tuesday!
Our Name Pictures