Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18

We had an exciting week last week! On Wednesday, we got to travel to the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus to see the play The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Everyone had a great time watching the different Eric Carle plays. Ask your child about the puppets and black lights.

On Thursday, we celebrated the 100th day of school. In the morning, we had the opportunity to visit many other kindergarten rooms to do different 100th day activities such as licking a lollypop 100 times, building with 100 toothpicks and gumdrops, doing 100 exercises, and dressing like a 100-year-old.  In the afternoon, we compared our collections of 100 things. There were many different collections and we appreciate the time you took helping your child to count them out.

On Friday, we celebrated Valentine's Day.  In the afternoon, we exchanged valentines and made a. book of all our valentines.  I hope you had a chance to look through these at home.

This week, we are comparing and contrasting in Reader's Workshop.  Our new sight word is AND.  We will be finishing up our unit on dinosaurs this week.  During math, we will be studying even and odd numbers and practicing measurement.  

Here are some pictures from last week:

This is Logan's dinosaur that he made and painted.

This was one 100th day station...can you get to the center of a Tootsie Pop in 100 licks?

Building with 100 cups

Building with 100 gumdrops and toothpicks

Emma is 100 years old for the day!

Spending time in Miss K's room

Comparing our 100 collections using the balance

What had some long and short collections.

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