Wednesday, February 6, 2013

100th Day

We had a great day yesterday on the 100th day of school!!!  Thank you all for sending in your 100 collections and snacks.  We spent lots of time in the morning comparing the collections.  We also rotated to different centers in other kindergarten classrooms during the morning for some fun 100 activities.  In the afternoon, we made a structure with 100 cups and then drew pictures of them.  Hanging in our hallway are 100-year self-portraits and a 100 questionnaire.  Check them out if you get a chance!  I also loved the elderly kindergartners that joined our class for the day!  What a fun day!

Some of the 100-year-old folks who joined our class
Natalia had the heaviest collection.
These were the lightest collections.

Counting out 100 snacks
Ryan and Elijah lay out 100 noodles.
Seth puts his Q-tips into a line.
Adam's cupcake liners make a LONG train!
Some of our other collections
These four had the shortest collections!
These were the 3 longest collections!
After our comparisons, we glued our collections onto paper jars.  We compared the jars to see how full each one was.
More yummy 100th day snacks
This is the tower we built together.  Check out our drawings that came home tonight!

Thanks for reading and have a great night!!!!
This photo is old, but we have collected more than 300 box tops!!!  We are close to earning our first Target gift card.  Please ask your friends and family to help collect more box tops.  We can continue to earn additional gift cards for the remainder of the year!  Thanks for all your hard work so far. :)

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