Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1

This last week we have been reading different nursery rhymes and reviewing shapes.  We talked about the attributes of a square, triangle, circle, rectangle, and oval and found shapes around our room.  We made several art projects to retell the stories from the nursery rhymes, which your child has brought home throughout the week.  Have your child practice reciting the nursery rhymes for you!!
We added a new student to our class last week.  Austin is a great little boy and a welcome addition!  Please keep in mind that we now have 19 students when sending snack for the class!
We have been doing lots of work during our reader's workshop each morning.  We have been reading environmental print around the room by sliding our fingers under the word and saying the word slowly.  We have also been focusing a lot on independent reading.  Our class is doing a great job of reading books in different ways - reading the words, remembering the story, looking at the pictures, and finding other words we know.  Our class is able to read independently for several minutes now and are always disappointed when our time is up!  Encourage your child to read independently at home as extra practice!  We continute to work our way through the alphabet, too.  Help your child practice the letters that come home on their handwriting sheets.
Last Friday was our first early release day.  This year, our school is turning early release days into Buddy and CARES days.  We met our second grade buddies on Friday and did an interview with them.  They brought books to read to us and then we went to an assembly together.  One of our classmates won a special prize for doing an outstanding job of following our school rules (Be safe, respectful, and responsible).  It was a lot of fun!
In math, we have been doing lots of problem solving and have been talking about patterns.  This week we start chapter one in our math series.  Look for the home packet in your child's red folder.  There are a few activities for you to do at home together!  
Thank you for all the apples that have come in!  We took a good look at our basket full today and sorted the apples by color and size.  There were lots of different colors and all the apples were different.  We counted 47 apples altogether.  Later in the week we will be weighing, measuring, drawing, and labeling our apples as well as painting and cooking with them.  Everyone is very excited for our apple activities! 
A walking field trip to the fire station is coming up soon.  Look for information coming home about this fun trip!
We will also be going on a walking tour of some businesses in Edgerton as a part of our community helpers unit.  More info to come!


Ryan is reading the room.

Tommy's Jack Jumping Over the Candlestick

Hailey's Picture of Jack

We opened the science center this week!

Ryan cutting out his shape monster book

Tommy working on his Humpty Dumpty

More hard workers

Even more workers!

Sharing our Shape Monsters with our partners

Adam's Shape Monster


We put our apples in a line from dark red all the way to green.

Our biggest and smallest apple from our collection

Our shape anchor chart

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