Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5

This week we have been learning about insects and butterflies.  We made coffee filter butterflies for our May calendar on Monday and wrote a seed story with a partner.  On Tuesday and Wednesday, we went to different centers where we made patterns with bugs, created a ladybug's life cycle, made a bug book for our book bin drawer, and measured classroom items using a bug ruler.  We also worked on a special book that the kids will bring home this weekend!  Today we designed our own bugs by choosing from different heads, wings, thoraxes, and abdomens.  Our class also wrote about our insects and described how they look as well as where they live and what they eat.  We had some creative bugs and writing this morning!  We practiced making tally mark again by taking a survey of our class's favorite bugs.  Tomorrow, we will be doing a special project and finishing up our book to bring home.  We will also watch the Middle School band and choir perform in the morning.

Next week we will continue to learn more about bugs and life cycles.  We will talk specifically about butterfly life cycles!


Pick-up for the fundraiser is this Saturday, May 7 from 8:30-11am in the big gym.  We need ALL ITEMS picked up on Saturday. 
The PTA Spring Carnival is Saturday afternoon from 2-4pm.  We hope you can make it!

McKenna and Sydney work on their Seed Story.
During this activity, one person gave directions and the other listened without looking.  The kids colored bugs and compared how they looked at the end.

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