Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer is Here!

As most of you know, I have been out for the last couple of weeks after having an unexpected surgery.  I am feeling much better, but I am still a little bit tired.  Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will be back to normal!  I was able to head into school today to see my class on their last day of school.  I missed everyone so much, so it was great to see them one last time before they headed home for summer.

Thank you for all the wonderful cards and gifts I received at the end of the year.  The kindergarten teachers stopped by my house to say hi and bring me some things.  I was in tears as I read all the cards that the kids wrote to me at school.  They were so sweet and made me feel so great!

I hope that you all have a fantastic summer!  If I don't see you around Edgerton this summer, I will see you in the fall as first graders!!!
Our last day of school

Kindergarten Graduates!