Sunday, May 19, 2013

Farm Pictures

Well, I guess Photobucket has changed and I can't make the same types of slideshows that I have always done.  I think you should be able to click on the pictures at the top and that will take you to the Photobucket website.  You should be able to click through all the pictures from there!  Please let me know if you are unable to see them.


We had a fantastic time on the farm field trip, even though the weather was a little bit chilly (especially towards the end of the day!).  Thank you again to all the chaperones who helped out during the trip.  I will be posting a new slideshow at the top of our blog, so be sure to check out the new pictures!

Our farm unit will be our final unit in kindergarten!  I can't believe how the year has flown by.  We will be learning about different animals that live on farms, the role of the farmer, different products that farm animals give us, and other fun facts about farms.  During this time, we will also be practicing for our Kindergarten Graduation!

Tomorrow will be N day on our ABC countdown to the end of the year!


We just finished up our unit on Eric Carle and insects.  We had a great time reading many of Eric Carle's books and making artwork using his art style.  Eric Carle writes many books with insects in them, so it was the perfect time to study different insects.  We learned that insects have 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), six legs, antennae, and an exoskeleton.  Some insects have wings and some insects bite - ouch!  During this unit, we watched caterpillars in our classroom as they went through metamorphosis.  Last Friday, they hatched out of their chrysalises and we let the butterflies fly around the room.  Everyone also got to hold them!  It was very cool to see an insect up close.  There was also lots of discussion about each butterfly's proboscis (straw-like tongue).  At the end of the unit, our class worked in pairs to make their own insect using play dough and art supplies.  Our class was using TONS of new insect vocabulary during this activity. 

Here are some pictures of the insects we made: