Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day

Hello Families,
Our first day of Kindergarten is quickly approaching.  Just a few reminders for you: 
*Please send your child's rest towel on the first day if you haven't already.  Any bath or swim towel is fine - it just needs to fit into a small cubby for storage. 
*Send in any additional school supplies that you haven't already sent. 
*You can send in lunch money at any time to be put into your child's hot lunch account. 
*A note will be coming home on the first day of school requesting personal information for a classroom directory.  If you are interested, please complete and return this form by September 9th!  I will compile the information and send out a copy to everyone in the middle of September.
*Attach your child's bus information to his/her backpack or shirt for the first few days of school!
*My school information: Phone: 561-6145 e-mail: emily.skeels@edgerton.k12.wi.us 

I can't wait to see you all again on the first day of school!!!
Mrs. Skeels

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 22

I have been busy in the classroom last week and today getting ready for Kindergarten Camp!!!  I think I have just about everything set to go for tomorrow morning.  I can't wait to meet our new class and get to know you all!  Don't forget to bring a lunch tomorrow - we will provide a snack, but we will NOT be providing lunch for Camp.  You may also bring your school supplies and rest towels tomorrow or Wednesday so that you don't need to worry about them on the first day of school.

I will see you all tomorrow morning at 9:00! Kindergarten Camp runs from 9-2 both tomorrow and Wednesday.  I can't wait to show you our classroom and have lots of fun!!!

Mrs. Skeels