Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays

I apologize for my last two posts - I just realized that the text was black and could not be seen!  I have fixed them now, so feel free to look back at them!  I posted a video at the bottom of a special visitor who came to see the kindergarten students.  They were so excited!!!

Remeber that tomorrow is PAJAMA DAY!!!  It is also our last day of school until after the holidays.  I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday with their families and friends.  I will see you next year in 2011!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

PJ Day and Sledding

PJ DAY!!!!

Next week on Wednesday, the kindergarten classes will be watching the movie, Polar Express.  We are going to be enjoying popcorn and hot cocoa and doing some fun Polar Express activities as well.  If you want, you can send your child to school in his/her pajamas for the day!  I will be wearing mine!  Just be sure to send regular shoes for their feet (no slippers, please).


Our sledding day is on Friday of every week.  You can send a plastic, roll-up sled to school with your child on Fridays or to leave here at school throughout the winter.  Be sure to label the sled with your name!  We may be able to sled during the kindergarten recess on other days during the week, so it would be nice to have a few extra sleds here "just in case."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Sing Clips

I have posted three clips of the songs that Kindergarten sang at the Holiday Sing at the bottom of the page.  I couldn't figure out how to turn them at Photobucket, so they are sideways, but at least you can hear the songs!  I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our New Blog!!!

I went to an inservice after school this week and learned all about making a blog!  This is my first attempt, but I am excited about all the things we will be able to do online.  Today, we practiced and performed our Holiday Sing at the EPAC.  Thank you to those who were able to come and see us!  For those of you who were unable to make it, I have posted some pictures from our practice and hope to post videos of the songs soon (as soon as I can get it figured out!!!)