Monday, June 9, 2014

Pictures from Activity Day

We had a blast today spending time with our buddies outside in this beautiful weather! Thank you to  everyone who helped organize the event, our parent volunteers, and the RCC for the yummy treat!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Return All Books From School - Library and Guided Reading

Please check your house for any books from school.  Mrs. Chapados has collected all library and READING GROUP books!  Return any books you find as soon as possible!
Thank you!
               Mrs. Skeels

Picnic Reminder

                  Picnic Reminder

Tomorrow (Thursday) is the day for the kindergarten picnic at Central Park!!

Here are some things to remember:


*Send your child in comfortable
clothing and athletic shoes.

*Pack a lunch and drink for your
child (unless you already notified
the teacher that your child needs
a lunch). You may want to send an
extra bottle of water as well!

*Feel free to send a hat and
sunglasses if you wish!

Thanks for your help in making our outing a great success!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Kindergarten Graduation

We had our kindergarten graduation on Friday and it was great!  Here are some pictures with all our graduation gear on.  Please email me if you would like a copy of the picture file emailed to your personal account!

For the remaining days of kindergarten, we have some fun activities planned!  We will be writing letters to both the upcoming kindergarten class and our first grade/multiage teachers for next year.  We will be showing the current 4K students around the classroom tomorrow, going on a class picnic on Thursday, and having a read-in day on Friday (see the note that will come home today).  Next week, there are other fun school-wide activities planned and we will be packing up all our belongings to prepare for summer vacation!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Note From Mrs. Chapados

Library News: 
All library books are due Friday May 30th.  Any library book not returned by May 30th may be considered lost and a replacement fine sent home. 
Thank you for helping your child remember to return all library books. 
- Mrs. Chapados, Library Support Staff

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A few more pictures

The Farm

Here are a few pictures from our farm field trip on Friday! Even thought the weather was a little chilly, we had a great time.  A special thank you to the parents who were able to join us - the extra help is greatly appreciated!!